He is still looking forward to his man-hair that will be at the end of this challenge. :)
This last week we had another little moment. Pinewood Derby. Great when you win. Not so great, when you lose.
Robbie lost. He was devastated. BUT, I was so proud of his grace and honor during the whole evening. I knew he was disappointed but it wasn't until we got home that I realized how awful it was for him. We worked through it. Plenty of praise. Lots of crying...him.
During the venting, he said that one of the boys (the winner) was going around dancing and taunting the other boys and calling them all losers. OK. We talked about it. Praised him for his behavior and moved on with our lives.
Later in the week I happened to mention this to the father of the winner. He went home and spoke with his son. The son admitted the dancing and celebrating but denied that he called anyone a name. OK. So, someone is lying.
I had a little chat with Robbie. He immediately got defensive and denied that he said any of the things that he did say. (I know I've got problems, but hearing isn't one of them) So, I started reminding of his accusations. He started crying and getting all down on himself. Blah blah blah.
Finally, we got to a place where he was calmer and I got to hug him. He was sweaty from all the crying and fussing. As we're wrapping up the conversation and working through a consequence he says to me.
"McGuyver was right. You do sweat a lot when you lie."
It was all I could do to NOT laugh. Thank goodness for a good role model like McGuyver!