Sunday, May 30, 2010

Family Home Evening with Diane

I was looking through my photos recently and found this one. This was our last Family Home Evening with Diane before she died. We picked her up and went to the church because it was more conducive to her wheelchair.

Diane would often attend our family nights. Probably 2-3 times a month. She always was like a bonus mom to my kids and to me. It was wonderful to have her backing up the teachings Sam and I were giving our children. She loved being with us and we loved having her. She often told me in her last days how much she missed spending family nights with us. She said she loved singing church songs with us and kneeling in family prayer with us. We felt the same about her.

I miss her. Especially not having her here when Lili was born. I cry too much when I think about it. Maybe one day I'll be able to record how she was with me during Lili's birthday.

Saturday, May 29, 2010

Time Flies

Where does the time go when you're growing babies? I can't believe Lili is already a month old. Just seems like yesterday we got the word I needed to have a C-section and six hours later, I had my baby.

I'm so thankful for Lili. I have to say though, knowing that she is my last has had the effect I didn't want. I always felt I would have a baby after Leah, but after we tried for so long, I kinda gave up and was at peace with it. I liked not knowing if Leah was my last because I just really enjoyed her. I treated just like the others. I didn't cry at the thought of no more babies, cuz I didn't really know. I was just perfect.

Lili is my last. I was looking at her birth pictures and those first couple of days right after. She was so small even at 9 lbs 13 oz. Just so fresh. I know she's only 30 days old, but I miss those "brand new" days.

It's a shame that mommas are so sleep deprived with brand new babies. Sometimes I think I don't enjoy them as much as I should, BUT I'm so tired. And healing after a C-section is really rough on me. I'm still really stiff and have moments of great soreness. Sometimes I think I'll never get better. I know I will, it's just hard to remember what it feels like to be 100% healthy.

I've been so blessed with so many people serving me and my family. I will never be able to write thank you notes enough to express my gratitude. I'm humbled at all that has been done for us. Meals, phone calls, visits, taking my kids so I can rest, clothes for the baby, and just thoughtful expressions of love. I have appreciated them all.

I need to stop now, I'm crying. :)

Sunday, May 23, 2010

More Pictures of Lili

Looks like she's sucking her thumb, but she's not. Just dang cute. This picture was taken while Lili and I were waiting for the doctor to come in for her well-check visit. Lili is 12 days old in this pic.

Same doctor's visit. I just really like this picture
I think is picture is so funny. She looks so much like my dad here. So cute. I hate that she's getting bigger but loving that she's getting more control of her body and I'm figuring out some of her ways. :)

Sunday, May 9, 2010

Liliana Joy

I ended up having an unscheduled C-section. I was rather devestated because I had worked so hard to prepare for another VBAC. But, at the end of the day, I trusted in the word of my medical professionals. The main goal of any pregnancy is to get the baby out healthy. That had always been my biggest concern as an older mother. I prayed daily that the Lord would bless this child with perfect health and He did.

This is our first photo together as mother and daughter. I think I look pretty good considering what was happening at the other end of my body. I think I'll start taking all my pictures upside down.

Sam and Lili. So sweet.
I look better in the c-section photo. I'm one tired mommy. The recuperation on this one has been rather difficult. But look at that cute little baby.
This is Lili's going-home outfit. She looks like a little doll baby.