I just wanted to write to tidy up the year. I kept a blog for a whole year now. Wow! Time sure flies, even when you're not having fun.
These reflections are more for me than you. :)
First, the first feeling/thought that comes to my mind is of gratitude. When I choose to not put forth the effort to be grateful, then I'm miserable. I am very grateful for so many things I can not even name them all. Mostly, my Father in Heaven and for His generous hand in my life. I'm thankful for my husband and children. For the heritage that is mine. What great people I come from! I'm thankful for prayers, answered and unanswered. There's lot more, but I only have a few minutes to write.
Second, I have to start with gratitude. I'm so thankful for a loving Heavenly Father and wise, obedient leaders that have commanded me (and others) to keep a food storage and become prepared in all things. I'm so grateful that my husband is totally on board with it too. I have learned skills and sacrificed vacations and other fun stuff to put up a food storage. What a blessing it has been! I just love all things that have to do with preparedness. And I just love that, although many people mock me, my kids have grown up learning that this is just a normal way of life. They will receive blessings just because they don't know any other way. At least that's what I hope.
Third, I ponder a lot on how to change. From losing weight to being more friendly, open-minded, spiritual, etc. This and my kids occupies most of my thinking time. :) Though I do try to ponder on ways to serve people too. One thing I have learned this year--actually that I have grazed the tip of--is that the Lord gives us blessings. We can receive blessings through prayers, hands on head, by being obedient--but it is US that has to accept and take the offering from the Lord. I have heard some amazing promises made by the Lord this year---it's interesting that so many of them have not been accepted...I'm 100% included in this observation. There is some way and I think it's easy, to accept these blessings...but that's the part I haven't figured out yet. Yes, faith is part of it...but I think I sell myself short somehow...I know I do. It's a resolution to draw closer to the Lord and figure some of this stuff out.
Fourth, I'm disappointed in the elections this year. Not just with the results, but with the fact that there were no really good, qualified men or women to even run in the first place. You may disagree, that's fine, just remember this post isn't for you. :) Just don't leave comments about this particular paragraph unless you support me...ha ha ha. I'm feeling vulnerable. Back to my point...when I voted for Bush II the 1st and 2nd time..I was totally committed. I just loved him. (He's since disappointed me) I felt his convictions and I felt that he was a good, god-fearing man. God-fearing is very important to me in a leader. I'm sad that the American people are so selfish as to think one man can give them so much. The selfishness disappoints me too.
I work hard for what I have. My husband is self-employed. We can never receive unemployment. We pay amounts of money for health insurance that you can't even imagine, unless you're self-employed. We have six children that we take good care of. We pay amazing amounts of money in taxes every year. Yet, I have a "friend" who has seven children. Her husband works a decent job, nothing great, but they haven't paid a DIME in income tax for over 20 years. Me and my family pay for theirs. To me, it's just not right. And YET, we had two men running, one just a bit more liberal than the other, who want to give my "friend" MORE money. There is NONE to give. Where is the accountability?
Here's mine. I chose to marry a man with two children. Then we chose to have four more ourselves. We pay for all of them. Make sure they're fed and clothed and have a Gameboy and a Wii. :) We choose to be self-employed and therefore enjoy the perks of that and also suffer the cons of it as well. But, we pay our taxes and our debts. We do not receive anything from the government and it's my intention never to do so. So, I guess that's another thing I have to be accountable for. So be it.
I just think if we all spent more time thinking about how to do for our ourselves and our neighbors a bit more, we'd be happier and more content. I think we'd expect more from our leaders as well.
This will certainly be an interesting year to come. I don't expect much good to come from our government. I truly hope I'm wrong.
Fifth, I think I'm done after that rant. Just a quick thought. Because of the upcoming trials, I look forward to being compelled to focus on the Lord. I feel it already. I have not been disappointed in Him. I don't understand sometimes. But, I'm ok with that. I'm 40 now. I've learned something about patience. I've got a while to go, but I just hope I can be more of what He knows is in me. I want to see every blessing realized. I want to teach my children to depend on the Lord. They've got to be better than me. That's my hope and my desire. Their struggles will be so much more difficult and different than mine. I pray that I will be able to teach them what they need to know to survive.
If you've stayed with me to the end, I guess I owe you a fresh loaf of bread.
Happy New Year!!!
Wednesday, December 31, 2008
Wednesday, December 17, 2008
I lost my mind!
Just a quick vent before I move on.
Well, even the most prepared person every once in a while becomes unprepared.
I thought I'd do some baking today. But, I was low on butter, chocolate chips and eggs. I usually buy those things at Sam's Club because I buy in bulk. So, I loaded the four children up in the car and drove them over there. We were doing pretty good until Leah announced she had to go poop. So, I race to the bathroom pushing the cart with ALL four children on it. They thought it was great.
The poop wouldn't come out.
I go back to shopping. Earlier, before the poop, we passed by a demonstrator lady that was visibly upset and talking to someone that she didn't feel well. I went back by her to get something else and she was alone. Many of you know that I'm nosy, but it's usually because I want to help. I was torn. But I did it anyway. I told her that I had overheard that she wasn't feeling well and was there anything I could do for her.
Bless her heart. She was having a bad day. Her 30 year old son had passed away a little while ago and she is missing him terribly around the holidays. So, I stopped and chatted with her for a while. I cried with her too. I'm sad for the pain of others. She hugged me when she saw my tears. I hope I left her with a few words of peace.
Meanwhile, my children are RACING each other up and down the aisles. GEESH!!!
I think there was another poop scare but that didn't go anywhere either.
We get out of Sam's and I still have most of my sanity. So, I venture to ShopRite because I'm looking for some pepper jelly. I bought it somewhere before. This is when it all broke down for me.
Note to self: Leah belongs in a cart until she's at least 25.
No pepper jelly at ShopRite, ACME, Pathmark or Walmart. So, now I'll have to make my own. Dang it!
Needless to say, I'm tired and don't want to bake now.
Oh, third time was the charm. Leah pooped. WooHoo!!!
Well, even the most prepared person every once in a while becomes unprepared.
I thought I'd do some baking today. But, I was low on butter, chocolate chips and eggs. I usually buy those things at Sam's Club because I buy in bulk. So, I loaded the four children up in the car and drove them over there. We were doing pretty good until Leah announced she had to go poop. So, I race to the bathroom pushing the cart with ALL four children on it. They thought it was great.
The poop wouldn't come out.
I go back to shopping. Earlier, before the poop, we passed by a demonstrator lady that was visibly upset and talking to someone that she didn't feel well. I went back by her to get something else and she was alone. Many of you know that I'm nosy, but it's usually because I want to help. I was torn. But I did it anyway. I told her that I had overheard that she wasn't feeling well and was there anything I could do for her.
Bless her heart. She was having a bad day. Her 30 year old son had passed away a little while ago and she is missing him terribly around the holidays. So, I stopped and chatted with her for a while. I cried with her too. I'm sad for the pain of others. She hugged me when she saw my tears. I hope I left her with a few words of peace.
Meanwhile, my children are RACING each other up and down the aisles. GEESH!!!
I think there was another poop scare but that didn't go anywhere either.
We get out of Sam's and I still have most of my sanity. So, I venture to ShopRite because I'm looking for some pepper jelly. I bought it somewhere before. This is when it all broke down for me.
Note to self: Leah belongs in a cart until she's at least 25.
No pepper jelly at ShopRite, ACME, Pathmark or Walmart. So, now I'll have to make my own. Dang it!
Needless to say, I'm tired and don't want to bake now.
Oh, third time was the charm. Leah pooped. WooHoo!!!
Wednesday, December 10, 2008
What Have You Done?
What have you done?
I stole this from Kristin Bonacci. I have bolded all that I have done from this list that someone emailed me. I've done more than I thought, but still have tons to do! There are, however some things that I hope never to do, like food poisoning. Yah, no thanks!
1. Started your own blog
2. Slept under the stars
3. Played in a band
4. Visited Hawaii
5. Watched a meteor shower
6. Given more than you can afford to charity
7. Been to Disneyland
8. Climbed a mountain
9. Held a praying mantis
10. Sang a solo
11. Bungee jumped
12. Visited Paris
13. Watched a lightning storm at sea
14. Taught yourself an art from scratch
15. Adopted a child
16. Had food poisoning
17. Walked to the top of the Statue of Liberty
18. Grown your own vegetables
19. Seen the Mona Lisa in France
20. Slept overnight on a train
21. Had a pillow fight
22. Hitch hiked
23. Taken a sick day when your're not ill
24. Built a snow fort
25. Held a lamb
26. Gone skinny dipping
27. Run a Marathon
28. Ridden a water bus in Venice
29. Seen a total eclipse
30. Watched a sunrise or sunset
31. Hit a home run
32. Been on a cruise
33. Seen Niagra Falls in person
34. Visited the birthplace of your ancestors
35. Seen Amish country
36. Taught yourself a new language
37. Had enough money to be truly satisfied
38. Seen the Leaning Tower of Pisa in person
39. Gone rock climbing
40. Seen Michelangelo’s David
41. Sung karaoke
42. Seen Old Faithful geyser erupt
43. Bought a stranger a meal at a restaurant
44. Visited Africa
45. Walked on a beach by moonlight
46. Been transported in an ambulance
47. Had your portrait painted
48. Gone deep sea fishing
49. Seen the Sistine Chapel in person
50. Been to the top of the Eiffel Tower in Paris
51. Gone scuba diving or snorkeling
52. Kissed in the rain
53. Played in the mud
54. Gone to a drive-in movie
55. Been in a movie
56. Visited the Great Wall of China
57. Started a business
58. Taken a martial arts class
59. Visited Russia
60. Served at a soup kitchen
61. Sold Girl Scout Cookies
62. Gone whale watching
63. Got flowers for no reason
64. Donated blood, platelets or plasma
65. Gone sky diving
66. Visited a Nazi concentration camp
67. Bounced a check
68. Flown in a helicopter
69. Saved a favorite childhood toy
70. Visited the Lincoln Memorial
71. Eaten Caviar
72. Pieced a quilt
73. Stood in Times Square
74. Toured the Everglades
75. Been fired from a job
76. Seen the Changing of the Guards in London
77. Broken a bone
78. Been on a speeding motorcycle
79. Seen the Grand Canyon in person
80. Published a book
81. Visited the Vatican
82. Bought a brand new car
83. Walked in Jerusalem
84. Had your picture in the newspaper
85. Read the entire Bible
86. Visited the White House
87. Killed and prepared an animal for eating
88. Had chickenpox
89. Saved someone’s life
90. Sat on a jury
91. Met someone famous
92. Joined a book club
93. Lost a loved one
94. Had a baby
95. Seen the Alamo in person
96. Swam in the Great Salt Lake
97. Been involved in a lawsuit
98. Owned a cell phone
99. Been stung by a bee
100. One cavity or less
I stole this from Kristin Bonacci. I have bolded all that I have done from this list that someone emailed me. I've done more than I thought, but still have tons to do! There are, however some things that I hope never to do, like food poisoning. Yah, no thanks!
1. Started your own blog
2. Slept under the stars
3. Played in a band
4. Visited Hawaii
5. Watched a meteor shower
6. Given more than you can afford to charity
7. Been to Disneyland
8. Climbed a mountain
9. Held a praying mantis
10. Sang a solo
11. Bungee jumped
12. Visited Paris
13. Watched a lightning storm at sea
14. Taught yourself an art from scratch
15. Adopted a child
16. Had food poisoning
17. Walked to the top of the Statue of Liberty
18. Grown your own vegetables
19. Seen the Mona Lisa in France
20. Slept overnight on a train
21. Had a pillow fight
22. Hitch hiked
23. Taken a sick day when your're not ill
24. Built a snow fort
25. Held a lamb
26. Gone skinny dipping
27. Run a Marathon
28. Ridden a water bus in Venice
29. Seen a total eclipse
30. Watched a sunrise or sunset
31. Hit a home run
32. Been on a cruise
33. Seen Niagra Falls in person
34. Visited the birthplace of your ancestors
35. Seen Amish country
36. Taught yourself a new language
37. Had enough money to be truly satisfied
38. Seen the Leaning Tower of Pisa in person
39. Gone rock climbing
40. Seen Michelangelo’s David
41. Sung karaoke
42. Seen Old Faithful geyser erupt
43. Bought a stranger a meal at a restaurant
44. Visited Africa
45. Walked on a beach by moonlight
46. Been transported in an ambulance
47. Had your portrait painted
48. Gone deep sea fishing
49. Seen the Sistine Chapel in person
50. Been to the top of the Eiffel Tower in Paris
51. Gone scuba diving or snorkeling
52. Kissed in the rain
53. Played in the mud
54. Gone to a drive-in movie
55. Been in a movie
56. Visited the Great Wall of China
57. Started a business
58. Taken a martial arts class
59. Visited Russia
60. Served at a soup kitchen
61. Sold Girl Scout Cookies
62. Gone whale watching
63. Got flowers for no reason
64. Donated blood, platelets or plasma
65. Gone sky diving
66. Visited a Nazi concentration camp
67. Bounced a check
68. Flown in a helicopter
69. Saved a favorite childhood toy
70. Visited the Lincoln Memorial
71. Eaten Caviar
72. Pieced a quilt
73. Stood in Times Square
74. Toured the Everglades
75. Been fired from a job
76. Seen the Changing of the Guards in London
77. Broken a bone
78. Been on a speeding motorcycle
79. Seen the Grand Canyon in person
80. Published a book
81. Visited the Vatican
82. Bought a brand new car
83. Walked in Jerusalem
84. Had your picture in the newspaper
85. Read the entire Bible
86. Visited the White House
87. Killed and prepared an animal for eating
88. Had chickenpox
89. Saved someone’s life
90. Sat on a jury
91. Met someone famous
92. Joined a book club
93. Lost a loved one
94. Had a baby
95. Seen the Alamo in person
96. Swam in the Great Salt Lake
97. Been involved in a lawsuit
98. Owned a cell phone
99. Been stung by a bee
100. One cavity or less
Saturday, December 6, 2008
Just Some Random Things
Yesterday I gave Leah some Cheerios type cereal for breakfast. She came out to the living room where I was on the phone and said, "Mooommmyy, I duhn wan some polka dot cereal."
I thought that was funny.
Thursday night, I was en route to a stake welfare committee meeting. I had made dozens of cinnamon rolls during the day to take to the meeting. I stopped at the Hess station to fill up and grab some milk. The man pumping my gas just seemed to sad and miserable. More so than typical for a gas station attendant.
I asked him how he was doing. He said that he was doing better than he had been earlier in the day. I told him that I had something for him that was going to make him the happiest man in the world. I reached in the car and brought out a big GIANT cinnamon roll. Still warm even. I gave it to him and he thanked me.
Let me tell ya. I loved that feeling. He didn't gush all over me about what a great person I was. He didn't sing my praises about how yummy it tasted. He just said thank you and went into the little shelter there between the gas pumps and ate the cinnamon roll. My heart just got bigger and bigger. THAT was the spirit of Christmas. I didn't do anything to change his life. I just made a few minutes of it a little sweeter. I'm so grateful for that opportunity to serve.
Wednesday, December 3, 2008
Our Family Home Evening
I am sad to say that I have never really felt or been deeply engrossed in the spirit of Christmas. I've felt twinges here and now but I've always kinda been a grump. Too much trouble and mess. I do enjoy giving gifts. I enjoy shopping and trying to be thoughtful with the gifts I give. All in all, though, I've just never been interested in the whole Christmas theme.
That is, until this year. Something has happened to me this year. I'm different. I think I know what happened.
Last month, I designated November as Gratitude month in our family. I hate multiple Family Home Evenings on the subject and even created a new family tradition. I made up "leaves" to hang on our sad little Christmas tree left up from last year that has been hanging out behind the couch. Everyone wrote something they were thankful for each day and hung it on the tree. Our little tree was full of Fall-colored leaves. The Sunday before Thanksgiving, we celebrated our Thanksgiving because Jen and Jessie wouldn't be with us for the holiday.
We had all the fixin's and after dinner we read our leaves. We laughed and enjoyed each other's company. We realized how to make it even more successful next year.
After reading the leaves, I talked to the kids about what December was going to be. Our Service month. We're planning on finding ways to serve others as Christ would do.
We've never really been a service project type of family. To me, service projects are so complicated. I enjoy the service for the arranging and delivering seems to be my downfall.
I'm so thankful for the gift of the Holy Ghost that helps me be a little less brain-dead than I am. :)
Monday night for Family Home Evening, we talked about selflessness and service. Our service project was to write Christmas cards to the US military servicemen and women. We had a box of 25 cards. Everyone was able to participate, even Leah. Sam and I encouraged the kids to express gratitude for the service rendered. Then they drew pictures and colored things.
There were moments as I watched my family, that tears filled my eyes and the true spirit of Christmas gently enfolded us all. I was grateful that even the littlest was able to participate. I was grateful that my two teenage step daughters struggling with their feelings about their two homes and religion, were able to feel the spirit of family and unity and service. I was thankful for my three in the middle who wrote and drew and joined in completely. I was thankful for my husband's participation and very pithy notes to the servicemen.
I have been spending more time with my children. Enjoying their spirits and laughter. I'm grateful to finally feel this spirit that changes lives and lifts all to a higher more enlightened level.
Monday, December 1, 2008
My report
Today is December 1, 2008. Today is the day after the 160-day challenge ended.
Here is my report of my own efforts.
1. Really, I crashed and burned. I did not accomplish what I had intended to accomplish. It was too hard for me. Really. I didn't have the ability to write a book of fiction. So, because of that, I gave up.
2. In the early days, back in August. I was doing everything I said I wanted to do. This resulted in other blessings.
Although I didn't write the book I still want to write and know is in me, I did spend time in my scriptures and writing about my understanding of them. Because of this, when I was asked to speak in Stake Priesthood Leadership Meeting, the talk was all but written. What a great blessing!!
I actually have quite a few scripture writings that I feel are quite insightful.
3. During August, again when I was really applying myself, I happened upon a great business opportunity that I have really grown to love. StoryKeeping is the process of interviewing others and gathering/recording their stories to be burned onto CD or uploaded to a website.
This has combined my love of story and my love of family. I wish with all my heart I had recordings of my best friends and family who have passed. I wish I could have my Grampa Snow relating his "corny jokes". Or my dear friend Jolene with her sweet little voice. These things would be priceless to me.
StoryKeeping allows me to do this for other people as well as myself. I have been working with Estate Planning Attorneys, Hospices (to train their volunteers to be StoryKeepers) and nursing homes. Gathering these stories before they are gone.
If this interests you, you're welcome to check out my website at www.keepingstories.com
I'm not trying to sell you anything. Just relating my experiences. But you can earn money too. :)
4. I have learned through the 160-day challenge that it's not easy to change my life. Just because I put a fancy title on it and figured out what my routine would be, I didn't prepare so much for the bumps or distractions. The StoryKeeping thing was a huge distraction, but it was a really great distraction. But, it was a distraction and took me away from my goal.
As I stated earlier, I didn't know how to write a book. Fiction or otherwise. Now, do I need to take a class or read a book or visit websites or pay someone? Probably.
I think I've learned that there are other things that are more important for me to learn and change than writing a book at this time. So, I feel comfortable with setting that "book" on the shelf for a while until it becomes more important to me. The thought and feeling about the book and what it will contain won't go away. Hopefully.
So, I'm going to turn my attention to other things that I know will be challenging for me but a little easier because I know how to do it. Learning a language or losing weight come to mind. There just has to be application and consistency.
Although I crashed and burned and have no best seller book to deliver today, I am a better person for attempting the change and learning a little more about myself.
I intend to start another journey if anyone would like to join me. Once we get some of the wrinkles out of this, we'll be unstoppable. :)
Wednesday, November 19, 2008
Too Serious
I think I'm too serious. Perhaps being the oldest child brings that out in me more than I should. Laughing really is most important to me. Having fun and being spontaneous. And yet, I get so burdened and flattened by dumb stuff.
I don't know what exactly it takes to not be so dang serious. I think there are things that are serious. And we have to be aware of those. I'm ok with that. I enjoy having serious, intelligent discussions with people. Especially about the Gospel.
But, it's the dumb stuff that I get all hot and bothered about. The house being a mess. My husband's ex-wife being a total menace, screwing around with MY life.
Perhaps I'm just not grateful enough. I gotta keep trying. I do work hard at being grateful. I think I'm getting better. When do you put your foot down though?
My children are going to remember me as being a fun mom but with a severe temper because I get so stressed out. I don't even know how to be different.
Or perhaps a good night's sleep would work. And a massage, manicure and pedicure. That may just fix everything. It'd have to be weekly though.
Sunday, November 16, 2008
The Peace of Preparedness
I was asked to speak in Stake Priesthood Leadership meeting on Saturday. The topic I was given was "The Peace of Prepardness".
1 Nephi 1:11-13
In a vision, Lehi is given a book to read. He shares only one verse of what he read. It's not very positive. I call it the "wo, wo..." verse.
1 Nephi 1:14-15
Interestingly enough, Lehi does not focus on the negative. He surely must have seen some fantastic things in the vision. But, again, we only have one very pessimistic verse. But reading in verse 15, I'm so impressed with Lehi's response. He praises the Lord with his whole soul and rejoices in the goodness of the Lord.
I wonder how many times we hear or see things that aren't so positive or are even down right scary or upsetting. Do we look to the Lord with gratitude for his goodness? Or do we only concentrate on the "wo, wo" part? We need to be cheerful and positive regardless of our circumstances.
It's one thing to recognize a challenge or even negativity in a situation. But, we don't have to focus on it. We will be so much happier if we choose to be grateful for what we do have. The Lord would love to give us more but he needs to know that we're grateful for what he has given. Good or bad.
1 Nephi 1:18
Lehi does not keep the vision to himself. He's not selfish with it. He goes out and starts to tell other people about it. Unfortunately, he is not met with friendly responses. But, he is fortified and focused because of the visions and faith he has in the Lord. He's not scared of the outcome because he knows who is in control.
Do we do the same? Do we have a strong enough relationship with the Lord to trust Him while we go out into potential unfriendly situations? Do we have the same vision the Lord has? Do we believe in His work?
1 Nephi 1:20
Because of Lehi's faithfulness, the Lord promises to deliver him.
Do we have the faith to follow the Lord and promote His work? Times are getting scary. But, the Lord depends on us to have trust and faith in Him. He will protect us.
1 Nephi 2:3
The Lord tells Lehi to get out of Jerusalem. Lehi is unwaveringly obedient. The Lord tells him to do something and Lehi does it. He doesn't try to bargain with the Lord. He has such a relationship with God that there's just no question about who knows best.
Every once in a while, nestled in the verses of the scriptures, the Lord gives us a "What Not To Do" manual. This is the case with Laman and Lemuel.
1 Nephi 2:12
Laman and Lemuel do nothing but fuss and complain. They do nothing remotely positive but whine. I would imagine that no one in the Lehi family wanted to leave their very comfortable life in Jerusalem. They were all obedient in following him but Laman and Lemuel just made the situation worse.
I know I'm guilty of doing the same thing. Seems like it takes so much less energy to complain than it does to be grateful and find reasons to praise the Lord. Does it do any good? Really? No one likes to be around complainers. They're no fun. And we know that we're here that we "might have joy".
We read more in chapter two that Nephi was really struggling with the decision to leave as well. But, unlike his brothers, he takes it to the Lord. He wanted to know if his dad was crazy or was he really instructed by the Lord to leave. Nephi, of course, learns that his dad was commanded by the Lord to leave Jerusalem. The Lord is so impressed by Nephi's faithfulness that He blesses Nephi with all sorts of great promises.
Let's be more like Nephi. We might not be happy about a situation, but rather than fuss and complain, let's get on our knees and find out the will of the Lord and then comply with it.
Lehi has a dream in which the Lord tells him that they need to go back and get the brass plates from Laban. The brass plates contain their genealogy, the teachings of the prophets and a guide for their language.
Lehi tells his sons that they get to go back. Nephi immediately complies and Lehi tells him that he will be blessed because he didn't murmur.
1 Nephi 3:6
Again, encouragement to be cheerful and grateful. Just get in there and "git 'er dun".
The boys go to Jerusalem and try a couple of times to get the plates. I have to give Laman and Lemuel a little bit of credit for trying even when they didn't want to go nor did they want to have to deal with Laban. Then they gave their cool stuff to Laban only to have him steal it and then try to kill them.
Laman and Lemuel are so stressed and so mad that they start to beat the snot out of Sam and Nephi. During the beating, an angel appears to them and tells them to knock it off.
1 Nephi 3:29-31
The angel hasn't been gone but for a short time before the older brothers start fussing and complaining again. What a waste of an angel!
(Wendi's note: at this point I looked out into the gathering of men and said, in a very loving way, the Spirit really took over...)
"My dear brothers, I am your angel. I am hear to tell you some things today. Women want to be lead. We do not want to be bossed around. We do not want to be guilted or cajoled or belittled. We bear a heavy burden on our shoulders. We are responsible to have babies, to care for the babies, to feed the babies and you. To keep the house clean, cook dinner. Some women work outside the house all day and still come home to do all of these things.
We want to be obedient. We want to gather our year's supply of food and supplies. We can not do it alone. We need your support and encouragement. We need time to develop skills. We want to learn how to make bread, to make yogurt.
I hold home storage classes throughout the year and my classes need to be packed. The women that you serve, the women in your lives need to be encouraged by you to attend these classes. They need to be supported to buy the equipment they need that will help them in their quest to be more self-reliant."
Nephi goes into Jerusalem to get the plates.
1 Nephi 4:6
He goes into Jerusalem not knowing what he'd find. I'm sure he knew that he could possibly die. But, he had ultimate trust in the Lord.
We need to go about our lives with the same trust.
1. Be grateful and praise the Lord.
2. Go out and share your knowledge of the goodness of the Lord with others.
3. Be faithful and the Lord with protect you.
4. Be obedient. You can never go wrong.
5. Don't murmur. Be cheerful. Figure it out.
6. Have ultimate trust in the Lord.
You can choose whether or not the blessings that have already been GIVEN to you will come to pass. You choose to accept the blessings and the peace from trusting in the Lord. Keep His commandments and feel the peace of your obedience.
Leah: "Can I have some apple juice?"
Me: "No."
Leah: "Pwease?"
Me: "No."
Leah: "...che-wee on it?" (cherry on it)
Me: "No."
Leah: "Bw-ownie on it?" (brownie on it)
Me: "No."
Leah: "Ice cweam?"
Me: "No."
It was hard to say "no" that many times with such a cute little thing asking in such a cute way.
Tuesday, November 11, 2008
A trip down memory lane
I'm going to do something a little different in this post. I'm going to share part of my past through a journal I kept. I read and read journal entries but most were either too boring or embarrassing. So, I'll start with something mild but yet slightly uncomfortable.
I was a nanny in NY before I went on my mission to Finland. The people I worked for are Jerry and Carol Einhorn. They had one daughter Emily together. Carol had a daughter Melissa from a previous marriage. Debby and Jennie were friends of mine that were also nannies.
Tuesday, January 3, 1989
Boring, boring. Emily stayed home from school for half the day. She was complaining of stomach problems. We think that she is nervous about the new class she's starting in school. It's a special education class. She has a learning disability.
At midmorning Carol called and Em decided to go to school. The rest of the day I ate and watched tv. I had Jerry's lunch ready for him when he came home from work. I took about a 45 minute nap before em came home. I love to sleep.
In fact, as I was falling asleep, I started making a list of my favorite things to do: laughing came in first, then sleeping. So eating really didn't come in till 3rd or so. Actually I fell asleep before I got to eating.
Emily took a short nap. Carol came home early. We ate an early dinner. I didn't eat all my dinner because I was full of other stuff.
Carol went to dinner with Melissa because it is her birthday today. So, I ended up babysitting.
I didn't get a call from Debby or Jennie today. That's weird but I really didn't miss them. I called a college (C.W. Post) to see about registering. Tuition though is $232/credit hour. I've got to meet people. HELP!!! But what can I do? I'm really tired of hanging out with Debby and Jennie, I want new friends!!!
Anyway, just a few thoughts before bed.
I've got this huge zit on the right side of my chin. I look disgusting. I'm getting ready to get my period and my face is breaking out. YUCK!!!
I don't want anyone to see me because I feel as though that gross blemish is my face.
Oh well. Not very happy. Not really. I'm happy. Just fat and pimply. Good night.
Back to the present again: See. Nothing much has really changed. :)
Sunday, November 9, 2008
New Blog
I just started a new blog in effort to document home storage skills. I'd love to hear your feedback whether good or not so good (just be gentle).
I just completed the posts on canning chicken.
Friday, November 7, 2008
What did Leah get?
We were in co-op today and I was in the 3 year old class with Leah. A couple of the others moms and I were talking and one asked if Leah was my baby. I said, "yes", and that she just had a birthday.
Leah was in the midst of coloring the "baby Jesus" manger purple and pink.
They asked her what she got for her birthday. Without missing a beat she looked up and said, "a puppy."
WHAT!!! My eyes bugged right out of my head. What is wrong with my daughter?
She got a PURPLE and PINK bike!!! HELLO!!! Anyone in there? We can't even have animals because Sam is so daggum allergic to them.
It was funny though.
Wednesday, November 5, 2008
Joe and the dinosaur
Joey said the cutest thing today. The kids and I were traveling north on I-95 on our way to Quaker Valley Foods to pick up 900lbs of chicken.
Joe was staring out the window and caught the view of a big silo-type water tower being built. Just the skeleton framework was built.
Joey asked, "Hey mom, is that a dinosaur cage?"
I loved it! How wonderful and imaginative was that. A dinosaur cage.
Monday, November 3, 2008
Phillies Parade
The whole family went to the Phillies celebration parade on Friday October 31st. We chose poorly and took public transportation. Oh well. We all stayed safe and came home together.
Wednesday, October 29, 2008
My Cookies
I made up a recipe today. Not something I usually do. Well, I never exactly measure anything. But that's different than actually creating something no one has ever created before. I searched the internet for a recipe to go along with my idea.
Chocolate Chip Cream Cheese Pumpkin Cookies
I do have to say, that I find them to be very delightful. Recipe is below the pictures.
CCCCPC (That looks like I'm from the former Soviet Union)
Pumpkin Cookie Dough
2 1/4 cup flour
3 tsp pumkin pie spice
3//4 cup butter, softened
1 1/4 cup brown sugar
1 cup sugar
2 tsp vanilla
2 eggs
1 cup canned pumpkin
1 1/2 cups chocolate chips
Mix together flour and spice.
In a large mixing bowl, cream butter.
Add both sugars and beat until light and fluffy.
Add Vanilla.
Add eggs one at a time and beat until combined.
Add flour/spice mixture to sugar mixture in three additions. Alternate with pumpkin in two additions, edning with flour mixture.
Stir in chocolate chips.
Cream Cheese Dough
1 8oz package Cream Cheese
1 egg
1/4-1/2 cup flour
1 tsp vanilla
3 tsp sugar
Cream the cream cheese in mixing bowl.
Add sugar, vanilla and egg.
Add flour slowly until it is the same thickness as the pumpkin cookie dough.
Preheat oven to 350 degrees.
Carefully fold cream cheese dough into pumpkin dough so that there are still thick swirls of the cream cheese through out the pumpkin dough.
Drop spoonfuls of mixed dough onto GREASED cookie sheet.
Bake for 12-15 minutes. They may still look a bit "wet" on top.
Remove from cookie sheet and cool.
Tuesday, October 28, 2008
Leah turns 3
When you don't pay attention
I cleaned out my office ALL DAY Monday. Because of that, I left the children to their own devices. Yes, I know, not so smart.
Leah got the stool out of the bathroom and used it to climb onto Lucy's top bunk bed. MacGuyver in training, I suppose.
Bread in a Bag
I taught a bread making class a week ago at church. I always try to put together a booklet of recipes and instructions to give to those attending. I had found this Bread in a Bag recipe on one of the YahooGroups that I'm on and decided to give it a try....with the kids participating.
Kneading dough kept the kids out of each other's hair. We may have to make bread everyday.

It was a mess but it did result in pretty good bread actually. The trick is to knead it to death, out of the bag.
Bread in a Bag
2 cups white flour (and a little extra for kneading)
1 cup whole wheat flour
1 cup hot water
1 package rapid rise yeast
3 Tbl sugar
3 Tbl nonfat dry milk
1 Tbl salt
3 Tbl vegetable oil
gallon size resealable plastic baggie
greased loaf pan
plastic wrap
oven mitt
1. Pre heat your over to 375 degrees.
2. Mix 1 cup of white flour, the packet of yeast, 3 tablespoons sugar, and 1 cup hot water in the resealable bag.
3. Let most of the air out of the bag, close it, and smoosh the bag with your finger to mix the ingredients.
4. After about 10 minutes, the mixture will start to bubble as the yeast makes carbon dioxide. The carbon dioxide produced by the yeast will make bubbles in the bread dough, making it bigger and fluffier. The bag will also expand.
5. While you're waiting for the yeast mixture to bubble, in a separate bowl, mix together 3 Tbl nonfat dry milk, 1 cup of whole wheat flour, 1 tablespoon of salt.
6. Open the bag and add the mixed ingredients and the oil.
7. Let most of the air out of the bag, seal it closed and smoosh the bag some more to mix everything together until it's pretty smooth.
8. Open the bag and add the other cup of white flour.
9. Reseal the bag and smoosh again until smooth.
10. Take the dough out of the bag and knead it for another 5-10 minutes. You might have to put some extra flour on your hands. Kneading makes the dough stretchy so it keeps it shape and gets a nice chewy texture.
11. Now put the dough into a greased loaf pan, cover it loosely and plastic wrap and let it rise for about 30 minutes.
12. When the dough has risen, put it in the oven. Be sure to remove the plastic wrap.
13. After about 25 minutes, it should look gloden brown.
14. Pull it out of the oven and let it cool.
Saturday, October 18, 2008
Leah and the Potty
So, I really wish I had a video to go along with this story. Actually, while this was happening I thought I should go get the camera, but then I thought it wouldn't be appropriate. But, it is funny.
Leah is a week away from being three years old. We've got the "pee in the potty" part of potty training down. Why is it that the poop is so difficult for the children? I just don't get it. Well, Leah is having problems with pooping in the potty. She'll hold it for days.
Leah knows when she has to go. Wednesday night Sam and I tried to bribe her with anything and everything to go. We even brought her little potty chair out to the living room to watch tv with us. I promised her fruit snacks (yes, I know--not a great choice for a constipated child) and even opened the little package for her to see the colors. Poor thing, she carried around the bag and kept sticking her nose in it to smell the snacks. She never did try to eat one. Pretty impressive. We finally put a pull-up on her hoping that she would poop. Instead, she crawled up on Sam's lap and just about fell asleep. No poop.
Thursday morning we were walking out the door to go to gardening class when Leah announces that she has to go poop. Seriously?!!
I take her back to the bathroom and put her on her little potty. She made a little effort but the only thing that convinced her to stay put was for me to sing songs to her. Yes, songs.
Bless her little heart. She was really backed up. I'm singing every Primary and nursery rhyme song I can remember. She grunting and groaning, her little face is turning bright red at times. She even grabbed hold of the little wall between the bathtub and toilet for help.
My singing, accompanied by a random child walking by the bathroom from time to time, seemed to be the magic. Just before she reached out her hand for me to hold and support her during the passage she said to me, "Mommy, sing loudah, I don't wanna hear the poop."
Thursday, October 9, 2008
With the help of Diane Paul and Lucy Bergin, I was able to can 31 quarts of applesauce and 1 quart of apple juice. I pulled the apple juice from the peelings and cores of the apples, using my steam juicer. I can later go and make apple jelly in the winter, when there's nothing else to do. :) It's pink because I put candy red hots in it to make it a little cinnamony.
Thursday, October 2, 2008
1 Year Anniversary
It's been a year ago today that I pulled the kids out of school and started the journey of homeschooling.
I have shed many a tear and been overly frustrated. Just as recently as August, I almost put the kids back in school. I'm thankful I didn't.
I would've missed our trip to the beach. The trip where I fell in love with my children all over again. The trip that Lucy says her favorite thing was spending time with her mom. And she really means it.
I would've missed seeing my son Joey sound out his first words while learning to read.
I would've missed observing my children becoming better and better friends. Oh, they still fuss and fight a lot, but they work and play together much better than ever before.
I would've missed allowing the kids to be involved in so many extra curricular activities and watch them expand their talents and skills. While in school, there just wasn't time to do so much before bed time.
I would've missed seeing their eyes light up when the finally "get it".
They would've missed seeing their mom serve others.
They would've missed being an integral part of their baby sister's development.
They would've missed sleeping in. :)
They would've missed marching to the beat of their own drum. A couple of them have VERY different beats.
They would've missed learning how to become more self reliant by learning how to cook, clean and take care of themselves under their mother's watchful eye. :) (Yes, I know that sounds like housework, but they need to learn it)
They would've missed learning how to learn their own way and what they want to learn.
I'm am ever so grateful to the Lord for His exhortation that I pull the kids. It was nearly a year before I shed my resentment. I am more thankful than ever for Him knowing better than me.
Tuesday, September 30, 2008
So, tomorrow is October 1st.
It's been two months since I wrote about changing my life. I did a super great job for the first month. September didn't go so well.
I'm recommitting. I want more of the abundance that started to grow. What happened, you ask?
I'm not quite ready to tell everything, but it's different and I believe the Lord's hand is in it. During the first month of my commitment, my spirituality grew, my health increased and I felt more purposeful in the efforts with my children and their education.
Why in the world would I stop something so wonderful? Stupidity? Laziness? Contentment? Probably a little of all three. I also hurt my ankle making it difficult to walk every morning.
No more excuses. Back to the drawing board. I'll be revisiting my entry on July 31st about my 160 day challenge. I'm still determined to it.
That's enough rambling. Time to get to work.
Happy Birthday Joey!
September 30th is my little Joe's birthday. I can remember we this little pumpkin made his way into the world. I took the time with Joey today to tell him his birth story. I didn't tell him how difficult it was for me to have a C-section. But, I did tell him that the Lord blessed us both that we were safe and healthy, because I was obedient to the blessing I received.
I've recently gotten more convinced of the power of story. Everyone has a story. I want my children to know how important their story is to me. Just a few minutes to tell Joey how much I love him and how incredibly grateful I am for his big head. :) (That's the reason I had to have a c-section.)
Enjoy a few pictures from his birthday.
Monday, September 29, 2008
I'm Home
I had a very nice trip to California. I was very tired for most of it with the three hour time difference.
When I'm a little more fully awake (got to bed by 1am ) I'll talk more about my trip.
I'd like to thank all of those who have read my blog and commented with support. I'd like to thank you as well for your thoughts and prayers. I felt them.
My love for friends and family grew. I just wanted to leave a message of gratitude.
Wednesday, September 24, 2008
So. I'm still in New Jersey.
As you'll read in the post under this one, I was having some serious doubts as to whether I should go to CA or not.
I fretted over it all day. I asked Sam for another blessing. He suggested that someone else give the blessing. Brother John Collier came over with his wife and gave both Sam and I counsel about a few things. I was very thankful.
Brother Collier gave Sam a blessing, I only heard snippets because Leah was complaining about the particular "Dora" she was watching.
Brother Collier then gave me a blessing. A very strange one. Not to minimize it, but the result was the counsel to leave the blessing and go and pray to find the answer. (do you see me rolling my eyes?)
Heavenly Father knows that I'm not real very good at praying and getting answers. So, I tried. I don't know if I got an answer at that moment. I decided to finish packing and go on to the airport.
It was very hard to leave my family. I got checked in and made it through security without anything beeping. I quick stopped and grabbed a couple of sandwiches to munch on during the 4 hour flight to SLC. Stopped at the bathroom and I was good to go.
The incoming flight was delayed so I had a few minutes to eat a sandwich. Then it was time to board. I was doing just fine until I saw the plane. At that minute I just felt a dread set over me.
I felt like stopping right then but I continued down the jetway. I was just about to step over the threshold of the plane when I backed out. I let the line go ahead of me and I called Sam. By the time he answered the phone, I was sobbing. I was so scared to get on the plane.
As an aside, I am not afraid to fly. I practically grew up in an airplane. My dad always owned an airplane until I was about 24 years old. So, I was not nervous about flying.
Sam told me to not go. I agreed but needed another opinion. I called my mom. I asked her that if she was feeling as badly about this as I was, would she go. She said, "no." She counseled me quite a bit.
Finally, someone tapped me on the shoulder and I told her that I wasn't getting on. She was a bit confused, but I just started to cry again. They walked me back (policy) and were just as nice as they could be. This is rather surprising considering we're talking Philadelphia here. They were kind-hearted and very loving actually.
The Delta desk attendant rebooked me for a flight tomorrow--with an aisle seat. I'm still not sure if I should go, but I have a few more hours to make that decision.
I may sound like a super freak, but I know what I felt. I know a warning feeling when I feel it. I don't know why and I'll probably never know why. But, I do get to spend another night at my house with my kids fussing and fighting with each other, but I'm so thankful to be here and not just barely landing in SLC with another 2 hours to go before landing in California.
I'm sure there will be another update. But that's the one for now.
I'm just hanging out on the couch before the day really gets started. I'm leaving for California today for an Heritage Makers conference. I have to say, I'm not really excited. I've been trying to figure it out for days now.
I'm not sure if it's because I don't really know anyone there, therefore I don't really have anyone to look forward to hanging with.
Or, am I just lazy?
What I think it is more than anything is that I'm REALLY going to miss my children. That trip to the beach really did a number on me. :) Having so many kids so quickly has really gotten on my nerves at times. But, now that I've been homschooling them for nearly a year and they've been joined at the hip for so long, I think I'm really going to miss their companionship.
They just really make me happy. They make me place my priorities in the correct order. They make me smile and yell at times. I'm learning to be a more patient mother. There are days that patience is not in my vocabulary, but most of the time I really try to soften my responses and communicate to them my love, even when I'm mad.
I will enjoy sleeping in a hotel room all by myself. Not fighting for the bathroom. Having some adult conversations and just kinda being selfish. I'm going to Disneyland while I'm there too.
But, my heart really does sadden as I think about saying good bye to my family at the airport and enduring 2 hours in the airport. Flying to California is a LONG trip and I'm going to be lonely without my little posse.
I love my children. I love being with them and teaching them. I love being their mother. I have to confess, the pessimistic side of my brain worries about coming home. Will I? Please pray for me and my children.
Sorry about the deep, dark parts of my brain. That's like seeing those tabloid magazines in the checkout lane with pictures of the "stars" without make up or their cellulite at the beach.
I do apologize.
Wednesday, September 17, 2008
More Beach Pictures
A Simple Thing
I sure do love teaching moments and I love it even more when I'm aware they're happening. :)
Monday night was Robbie first baseball game of the "Fall Baseball" season. Or "fallball" as they call it here in NJ.
While the other kids and I waited for Sam to arrive and Robbie to get his first "at bat" in the third inning, a couple of men were standing close by chatting with each other. We were near a picnic table and one of the men kinda ran into to table and gouged his leg. It wasn't a super bad wound but it did start a slow bleed. I offered our first aid kit but he didn't seem to mind. But, I watched as the blood started to run down his leg, I could bear it no longer. I sent Joey to the truck to get the first aid kit, which is a MEGA first aid kit. He brought it to me at the table, I flipped it open and got the man a antiseptic wipe and a band aid. He was impressed with the kit and grateful for the assistance.
Once done, Joey took the kit and put it back in the truck.
I love it when eternal truths just spew from my mouth without effort on my part. (translation: not my words but His)
I said to the kids, "See when you're prepared, it easy to serve others."
I've come to realize that preparation is for the individual, but it'll be used by the Lord to serve all His children. Isn't that awesome?!!
Saturday, September 13, 2008
Our Week at the Beach!
I took the four kids to North Wildwood beach this last week. We went down on Sunday and came back on Thursday. We had such a good time hanging out with each other. And can you believe that I did it all by myself? I did!!! Yay for me! We spent Monday and Tuesday mornings at the beach and swimming. MOnday night Sam came down with Jen and Jessie and we walked on the boardwalk and got dinner. We bought all of the kids a "Wildwood" hoodie as their memento for the week. Tuesday night the older three: Robbie, Lucy and Joey got to drive go-carts. That seemed to be a super big hit.
Wednesday was a bit cold. I took the kids down to the Cape May Lighthouse. We all climbed the 199 steps to the top. Even my little Leah. In fact, I think she was a bit faster than her mom. After catching my breath at the top, we came back down and then went for a leisurely stroll on the beach. The kids fed the seagulls some Cheerios and we investigated this HUGE monolith of a building that was just as ugly as could be sitting right on the beach. I found out that it was an old WWII bunker that was used as a look out for submarines in the Atlantic Ocean. I thought that was cool.
It was pretty windy up there on top of the lighthouse.
You can see the beach and ocean behind the kids.
New Jersey has 19 lighthouses. Eleven are possible to visit. The other eight are out in the waterways. We have a family goal to visit all 11. Sounds like fun, huh?
This is a picture of the kids standing under that abandoned army bunker.
Thursday, we packed up and started home but first stopped at the Cape May Zoo to check out the animals for a couple of hours. That was a really nice ending to a VERY lovely week. I grew to love my little children even more. I'm so thankful that I chose to do this with them. These are the moments that I am so grateful I have chosen to homeschool.
Can you see the tiger behind the kids? I tried to get the kids to pose with him behind them. Leah was too busy and excited to pose. I think he was sizing my little children up for his mid-afternoon snack.
Friday, September 5, 2008
I'm Famous!
Today was a VERY LONG day. I left at 9:30am to drive to NE Philly to pick up 1000lbs of chicken from Quaker Valley Foods. I put together this order for the members of my stake. I hauled back 24 cases of chicken in my Suburban.
I got sunburned from being outside all day helping load chicken into cars. A few were late coming to pick up their meat. Lots of phone calls today as well.
So, why am I famous?
I was getting ready for a Stake Welfare Committee meeting and asked Lucy to come into the bathroom to talk to me as I put on my make up. I asked if she had a good day. The Manning kids came over for a little while so my kids had someone to play with.
Lucy said she did and made some comment. She noticed my sunburn and asked about it. I told her I was outside helping people with their chicken.
She said, "You're famous." I asked why she said that. She said, "Everybody came to see you today. When one car left, another would pull up. And soooo many phone calls. You're famous."
I had to explain to her why that did NOT make me famous. Sunburned---yes. Famous---not so much.
How cute and funny was that? Just her perspective. I hope that as she grows older she'll see that her mom enjoyed serving others.
I got sunburned from being outside all day helping load chicken into cars. A few were late coming to pick up their meat. Lots of phone calls today as well.
So, why am I famous?
I was getting ready for a Stake Welfare Committee meeting and asked Lucy to come into the bathroom to talk to me as I put on my make up. I asked if she had a good day. The Manning kids came over for a little while so my kids had someone to play with.
Lucy said she did and made some comment. She noticed my sunburn and asked about it. I told her I was outside helping people with their chicken.
She said, "You're famous." I asked why she said that. She said, "Everybody came to see you today. When one car left, another would pull up. And soooo many phone calls. You're famous."
I had to explain to her why that did NOT make me famous. Sunburned---yes. Famous---not so much.
How cute and funny was that? Just her perspective. I hope that as she grows older she'll see that her mom enjoyed serving others.
Monday, August 25, 2008
Big Gov'ment
Amazing what silly things are actually true. Today I was on my walk and approached a Deptford Township truck that was repainting the blocks on a pedestrian crosswalk. As I got closer, I noticed that none of the men were working. (That totally peeves me as I'm paying their salary) I counted seven men. I said "hi" to the two sitting on the sidewalk chatting with one another. The head guy was in the truck trying to look important. Two were in the road turning that "slow/stop" sign back and forth and two other were just hanging out on the side of the road shootin' the breeze.
As I came up to them I said, "So this is what it means to 'watch the paint dry.'" They chuckled and agreed. I spoke with them a bit longer and they both said that would be about all they did today.
Big Government.
As I came up to them I said, "So this is what it means to 'watch the paint dry.'" They chuckled and agreed. I spoke with them a bit longer and they both said that would be about all they did today.
Big Government.
Sunday, August 24, 2008
I must have tried on literally 20 pairs of tennis shoes today. I must have super funky feet because I need another pair of shoes. My feet hurt so badly when I walk in the morning. I have purchase Asics, Nikes and Easy Spirit tennis shoes in the last year. All of them hurt my feet. So I went out tonight in search of another pair. I went to Famous Footwear because I had a 20% off coupon. I thought I'd be able to find something. They have a tons of shoes. NOPE!!! I did. I tried on 20 pairs of shoes. Bless Lucy's little heart. After each attempt, she'd careful package them up for me and put them away. I'm very grateful for her help. As a reward, she did get a new pair of shoes. :)
If anyone has a suggestion of their favorite type of tennis shoes, please share. I tried on Nike, New Balance, Asics, Avia, Addias, Easy Spirit and Reebok shoes in every style and color. I got desperate enough to consider black shoes. I did find a pair of Reeboks at Sam's club for $25 that I'll try now that I"m home. They were cheap enough to bring home and try out in the house.
What a great post, huh?
If anyone has a suggestion of their favorite type of tennis shoes, please share. I tried on Nike, New Balance, Asics, Avia, Addias, Easy Spirit and Reebok shoes in every style and color. I got desperate enough to consider black shoes. I did find a pair of Reeboks at Sam's club for $25 that I'll try now that I"m home. They were cheap enough to bring home and try out in the house.
What a great post, huh?
Monday, August 11, 2008
Stumbling Blocks
I am so THANKFUL for stumbling blocks. And I'm also thankful that I'm recognizing them sooner as well.
I found out something negative someone had to say about me yesterday. It sent me into a momentary tailspin. I worked hard (and am still working) on figuring out the problem.
My first reaction was to pull back and not be who I want to be. "Oh yeah," I thought, "I'll show you." Then I really started to ponder about it. I like being positive and trying to reach my potential.
What was my stumbling block? Well, probably a couple. Caring about someone's negative judgment about me. Caring that they didn't want to be like me. :) But, almost giving into the temptation to be just as negative and judgmental.
I'm so thankful to that person who was negative. Because, I know myself better now. I have defined to a greater degree who would be a better influence and motivator for me.
I may sound selfish, but it's my blog. I'm choosing to be thankful. Thankful for blessings in disguise.
I read this quote today, that I really really liked.
"Gratitude is about shifting into appreciation and opening your perception to opportunity, instead of lack."
I don't know who wrote it, but it fits me perfectly right now.
I found out something negative someone had to say about me yesterday. It sent me into a momentary tailspin. I worked hard (and am still working) on figuring out the problem.
My first reaction was to pull back and not be who I want to be. "Oh yeah," I thought, "I'll show you." Then I really started to ponder about it. I like being positive and trying to reach my potential.
What was my stumbling block? Well, probably a couple. Caring about someone's negative judgment about me. Caring that they didn't want to be like me. :) But, almost giving into the temptation to be just as negative and judgmental.
I'm so thankful to that person who was negative. Because, I know myself better now. I have defined to a greater degree who would be a better influence and motivator for me.
I may sound selfish, but it's my blog. I'm choosing to be thankful. Thankful for blessings in disguise.
I read this quote today, that I really really liked.
"Gratitude is about shifting into appreciation and opening your perception to opportunity, instead of lack."
I don't know who wrote it, but it fits me perfectly right now.
Friday, August 8, 2008
We started with sign language classes yesterday. Super duper fun. The kids are loving it.
I was working with Leah this evening on her colors in sign language. I asked her what color my hair is. She pulled my head down and said with absolute surety, "Gray". Not in sign language.
Outta the mouths of babes.
I was working with Leah this evening on her colors in sign language. I asked her what color my hair is. She pulled my head down and said with absolute surety, "Gray". Not in sign language.
Outta the mouths of babes.
Morning Musings
I am so thankful I chose to go for a walk this morning. What a lovely day! No humidity and a cool, gentle breeze-what a bonus. I'm starting to get a little faster in my walk so I have to walk further to complete my 30 minutes. I met another neighbor today. Cute little lady. Donna.
Yesterday when I was walking I talked with Nick. He has a house that borders the busy Hurffville Road. He told me that he has a friend who owns a HUGE farm in Mullica Hill and Nick goes down there and picks as many tomatoes as he wants and sells them to the passersby on Hurffville Road. I asked if I could go pick the maters. He said probably not but he would ask. Wouldn't that be just awesome if I could get some cheap tomatoes? What a glorious thing that would be. I'll keep putting it out to the Universe.
So, I'm making friends in the neighborhood. I'm getting a walk in and I'm actually starting to enjoy it. I still want to get up earlier. My plan for the challenge isn't really working very well. The one thing I have been consistent in is the walk. So, maybe out of my original plan, develops a different result. I'm not giving up. It's only been a week.
Tomorrow I'm teaching a class in the stake on pressure canning. I did one on water bath canning about a month ago. It went well with 15 people there. Tomorrow's class is going to be a bit more involved. I canned some hamburger yesterday with my new little canner I bought at Walmart. It doesn't have a gauge on it like my big ones. BUT I kinda like it better because you don't have to watch the gauge, you just listen for the jiggling sound the weight makes. I did 10 pints of hamburger yesterday. I'm sure it's going to gross everyone out tomorrow when I show it to them. It really does look nasty. But it tastes very good.
That's it for now. The natives are getting restless.
Yesterday when I was walking I talked with Nick. He has a house that borders the busy Hurffville Road. He told me that he has a friend who owns a HUGE farm in Mullica Hill and Nick goes down there and picks as many tomatoes as he wants and sells them to the passersby on Hurffville Road. I asked if I could go pick the maters. He said probably not but he would ask. Wouldn't that be just awesome if I could get some cheap tomatoes? What a glorious thing that would be. I'll keep putting it out to the Universe.
So, I'm making friends in the neighborhood. I'm getting a walk in and I'm actually starting to enjoy it. I still want to get up earlier. My plan for the challenge isn't really working very well. The one thing I have been consistent in is the walk. So, maybe out of my original plan, develops a different result. I'm not giving up. It's only been a week.
Tomorrow I'm teaching a class in the stake on pressure canning. I did one on water bath canning about a month ago. It went well with 15 people there. Tomorrow's class is going to be a bit more involved. I canned some hamburger yesterday with my new little canner I bought at Walmart. It doesn't have a gauge on it like my big ones. BUT I kinda like it better because you don't have to watch the gauge, you just listen for the jiggling sound the weight makes. I did 10 pints of hamburger yesterday. I'm sure it's going to gross everyone out tomorrow when I show it to them. It really does look nasty. But it tastes very good.
That's it for now. The natives are getting restless.
Wednesday, August 6, 2008
Day Four
I have done much better today. Yesterday I did well with the getting up and exercising but not with the writing. I got a bunch of phone calls starting at 7:30 in the morning.
So today, I was up at 6am and out the door by 20 after the hour to go for my walk. I met the little Indian man's wife today. She's a joyful thing. She invited me for tea, which I thought was lovely. We talked for a while. I really struggle to understand their English, but it's fun to talk to them. Her name is Houlip? Huu-leep and his name is Yorginda. The last name is Sanni. He didn't have his turban on this morning but he did have his hair tied up in a little knot on top of his head.
So, I did some writing today. I actually enjoyed it. I just kinda started writing from the question, "Why am I writing this book?" And it just started to flow. Nothing really profound but it was good for me. I was thinking that I had made a very poor choice in choosing to write this book. I told Melanie Hoffman yesterday that I think I'd rather pluck my eyebrows for an hour every day vs. writing for an hour.
Okey Dokey. That's it for me. How are y'all doing? The blogs have been VERY quiet as of late. Maybe I just don't have a life so I'm blogging all of the time. Hmmm....something to think about.
So today, I was up at 6am and out the door by 20 after the hour to go for my walk. I met the little Indian man's wife today. She's a joyful thing. She invited me for tea, which I thought was lovely. We talked for a while. I really struggle to understand their English, but it's fun to talk to them. Her name is Houlip? Huu-leep and his name is Yorginda. The last name is Sanni. He didn't have his turban on this morning but he did have his hair tied up in a little knot on top of his head.
So, I did some writing today. I actually enjoyed it. I just kinda started writing from the question, "Why am I writing this book?" And it just started to flow. Nothing really profound but it was good for me. I was thinking that I had made a very poor choice in choosing to write this book. I told Melanie Hoffman yesterday that I think I'd rather pluck my eyebrows for an hour every day vs. writing for an hour.
Okey Dokey. That's it for me. How are y'all doing? The blogs have been VERY quiet as of late. Maybe I just don't have a life so I'm blogging all of the time. Hmmm....something to think about.
Monday, August 4, 2008
Crash and Burn
That's my day. I did NOTHING to accomplish my goals today. I was up in the night with a sick stomach and just haven't felt very well today.
So, as the song goes ..."There's always tomorrow". That's my plan. I'm heading to bed now to catch up on my rest.
I did get a nice pot full of green beans from my garden today though. That made me extremely happy. I just love fresh green beans. YUMMY!
See ya tomorrow!
So, as the song goes ..."There's always tomorrow". That's my plan. I'm heading to bed now to catch up on my rest.
I did get a nice pot full of green beans from my garden today though. That made me extremely happy. I just love fresh green beans. YUMMY!
See ya tomorrow!
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