Amazing what silly things are actually true. Today I was on my walk and approached a Deptford Township truck that was repainting the blocks on a pedestrian crosswalk. As I got closer, I noticed that none of the men were working. (That totally peeves me as I'm paying their salary) I counted seven men. I said "hi" to the two sitting on the sidewalk chatting with one another. The head guy was in the truck trying to look important. Two were in the road turning that "slow/stop" sign back and forth and two other were just hanging out on the side of the road shootin' the breeze.
As I came up to them I said, "So this is what it means to 'watch the paint dry.'" They chuckled and agreed. I spoke with them a bit longer and they both said that would be about all they did today.
Big Government.
My other favorite is when road crews make a big pile of dirt, move it three or four times over the course of six weeks and then say they need more time to get work done.
hey! I would have called you for Brewsters but we went as a family after Connor's soccer game. We will have to go soon. I didn't get your invite to Moe's until later (like 5 PM) I really want to go to Moe's so we have to plan a day!!!!
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