Wednesday, December 31, 2008

The End of the Year Thoughts

I just wanted to write to tidy up the year. I kept a blog for a whole year now. Wow! Time sure flies, even when you're not having fun.

These reflections are more for me than you. :)

First, the first feeling/thought that comes to my mind is of gratitude. When I choose to not put forth the effort to be grateful, then I'm miserable. I am very grateful for so many things I can not even name them all. Mostly, my Father in Heaven and for His generous hand in my life. I'm thankful for my husband and children. For the heritage that is mine. What great people I come from! I'm thankful for prayers, answered and unanswered. There's lot more, but I only have a few minutes to write.

Second, I have to start with gratitude. I'm so thankful for a loving Heavenly Father and wise, obedient leaders that have commanded me (and others) to keep a food storage and become prepared in all things. I'm so grateful that my husband is totally on board with it too. I have learned skills and sacrificed vacations and other fun stuff to put up a food storage. What a blessing it has been! I just love all things that have to do with preparedness. And I just love that, although many people mock me, my kids have grown up learning that this is just a normal way of life. They will receive blessings just because they don't know any other way. At least that's what I hope.

Third, I ponder a lot on how to change. From losing weight to being more friendly, open-minded, spiritual, etc. This and my kids occupies most of my thinking time. :) Though I do try to ponder on ways to serve people too. One thing I have learned this year--actually that I have grazed the tip of--is that the Lord gives us blessings. We can receive blessings through prayers, hands on head, by being obedient--but it is US that has to accept and take the offering from the Lord. I have heard some amazing promises made by the Lord this year---it's interesting that so many of them have not been accepted...I'm 100% included in this observation. There is some way and I think it's easy, to accept these blessings...but that's the part I haven't figured out yet. Yes, faith is part of it...but I think I sell myself short somehow...I know I do. It's a resolution to draw closer to the Lord and figure some of this stuff out.

Fourth, I'm disappointed in the elections this year. Not just with the results, but with the fact that there were no really good, qualified men or women to even run in the first place. You may disagree, that's fine, just remember this post isn't for you. :) Just don't leave comments about this particular paragraph unless you support me...ha ha ha. I'm feeling vulnerable. Back to my point...when I voted for Bush II the 1st and 2nd time..I was totally committed. I just loved him. (He's since disappointed me) I felt his convictions and I felt that he was a good, god-fearing man. God-fearing is very important to me in a leader. I'm sad that the American people are so selfish as to think one man can give them so much. The selfishness disappoints me too.

I work hard for what I have. My husband is self-employed. We can never receive unemployment. We pay amounts of money for health insurance that you can't even imagine, unless you're self-employed. We have six children that we take good care of. We pay amazing amounts of money in taxes every year. Yet, I have a "friend" who has seven children. Her husband works a decent job, nothing great, but they haven't paid a DIME in income tax for over 20 years. Me and my family pay for theirs. To me, it's just not right. And YET, we had two men running, one just a bit more liberal than the other, who want to give my "friend" MORE money. There is NONE to give. Where is the accountability?

Here's mine. I chose to marry a man with two children. Then we chose to have four more ourselves. We pay for all of them. Make sure they're fed and clothed and have a Gameboy and a Wii. :) We choose to be self-employed and therefore enjoy the perks of that and also suffer the cons of it as well. But, we pay our taxes and our debts. We do not receive anything from the government and it's my intention never to do so. So, I guess that's another thing I have to be accountable for. So be it.

I just think if we all spent more time thinking about how to do for our ourselves and our neighbors a bit more, we'd be happier and more content. I think we'd expect more from our leaders as well.

This will certainly be an interesting year to come. I don't expect much good to come from our government. I truly hope I'm wrong.

Fifth, I think I'm done after that rant. Just a quick thought. Because of the upcoming trials, I look forward to being compelled to focus on the Lord. I feel it already. I have not been disappointed in Him. I don't understand sometimes. But, I'm ok with that. I'm 40 now. I've learned something about patience. I've got a while to go, but I just hope I can be more of what He knows is in me. I want to see every blessing realized. I want to teach my children to depend on the Lord. They've got to be better than me. That's my hope and my desire. Their struggles will be so much more difficult and different than mine. I pray that I will be able to teach them what they need to know to survive.

If you've stayed with me to the end, I guess I owe you a fresh loaf of bread.

Happy New Year!!!


Keeping up with the Bonacci's said...

I'll take that loaf of bread! You do have so much to be grateful for, you are a very blessed lady. I am grateful for you!

Aunt Di said...

I enjoy reading your posts! They are so thoughtful and insightful. I truly miss our closeness. I miss being able to come over for dinner and being part of your FHE and prayer. I miss your children loving when I come over. I love you.