After we unwrapped our gifts and ate a little breakfast, we got dressed and rode up to Washington's Crossing, PA to watch the re-enactment of George Washington's heroic crossing of the Delaware River on Christmas Day in 1776.
Unlike the original crossing, we were dressed in warm clothing, there wasn't a nor-easter blowing through with wind, snow and sleet and it was about 1 o'clock in the afternoon. For some reason, however, my mind was caught up in the fact that these men were so poorly dressed that many didn't have shoes, but wrapped their feet in cloth if they could. They stood on the bank of the Delaware in the horrid storm, waiting for there turn to climb in a boat to be rowed across with chunks of ice crashing all around them. All this was done in the dead of night, in fact, the last man wasn't over until about 4 o'clock in the morning the day after Christmas. I cried as I watched the first boat launch and battle the current of the Delaware.
The good news is that not one American man was killed in the Battle at Trenton that morning after they marched another nine miles. A few were injured but none died. That is just amazing to me. These poor men. What they did to allow me to eventually live in such a great country. To wake up with my children on this lovely Christmas morning and celebrate the birth of our Savior. I will never be able to adequately express my gratitude and devotion to these men. Never. They are my heroes.
I am fascinated by this moment in history. Maybe because it's so easy for me to visualize. Maybe because we've been studying so much about the Revolution that it's finally registering with me. I don't know why. I'm just grateful.
Saturday, December 25, 2010
Thursday, November 11, 2010
Spur of the Moment
Yesterday I decided to take the kids into Philly to experience the downtown area rich with history. I have a true desire to instill within my children a sense of patriotism. We've been studying the Revolutionary War period of American History for the last year or so. It's been exciting to me to feel like going on field trips again. During the pregnancy last year, I'll I did was mope around the house and feel miserable. I didn't know if I would ever return to being motivated to go anywhere ever again. has returned to normal. And I got a sweet little baby to going with the deal. yesterday we went into Philly. I didn't know that there was a Junior Ranger program associated with Independence Hall and the Liberty Bell. It's a free program run through the Parks Dept. Just go to the desk in the building across from the Liberty Bell. They'll give you the booklet on the program and send you on your way. Once the activities in the booklet are completed, go back to the Ranger desk, they'll check the booklet and then swear in the children to be a Junior Ranger. The kids all get a badge and everyone is happy.
Our Ranger guide through Independence Hall was awful. He was a quirky little man and did not have a voice that carried very well. He knew a lot of information but the spirit of the history did not particularly manifest itself through him. He seemed more interested in the trivial bits than the stories behind the bits. What I did like was that the kids seemed interested as they worked on the questions in their junior ranger booklets. Even Joey was asking the Ranger guide questions on his own. I was proud of him.
I think that they were genuinely interested in the set up of the room in Independence Hall. They saw the "Rising Sun" chair in which George Washington and other leaders sat. It was fun to remind them of scenes from the movie "National Treasure" where they used these great buildings to solve the mysteries.
At the Liberty Bell, they learned who Pass and Stow were.
It was a lovely day, weather-wise. I'm glad we went. I enjoyed it myself. I had gone once before when Sam and I were first engaged. Then a second time with my parents, but Lucy was just newly potty-trained and had to go to the bathroom. There are no public restrooms on the Square so I missed the tour with my family. So, this was my first time back in 14 years. Hmmm...we need to go more often.
My favorite part this time: the ink well that was used when signing the famous documents. Somehow I could feel the spirit of the history by looking at that ink well and imagining who used it.
Whenever I visit these places, I have such a desire to read and learn more. I just need a few extra hours in the day to do all that I want. :)
New Blog
I started a new blog. It's a work in progress. I'm doing an experiment on gratitude.
You can check it out at
Sunday, November 7, 2010
Another Milestone
November 5th was Lili's official "sit up" day. She really seems to have the sit up under control. Still needs a little work, but practice makes perfect.
Thursday, November 4, 2010
Two Things
1. Liliana officially rolled over from front to back today. 11/4/10 I went in to get her from her crib and found her on her back. She seemed a little stunned that she was laying on her back. Kinda funny.
Send cards to the address below,
Holiday Mail for Heroes
PO Box 5456
Capitol Heights, MD
All cards must be postmarked no later than Friday, December 10th. Cards postmarked after this date will unfortunately be returned to the sender. This deadline ensures enough time to sort and distribute cards before the holidays.
2. This is for me to know where to find it when I need it.
Holiday Mail For Heroes is back for a fourth year! The American Red Cross will collect holiday cards from regular citizens all across the country and distribute them to service members, veterans, and their families. Many active service members must spend the holidays apart from their family. Give back this holiday season by sending a card to thank those who have given a great deal to their country.
Send cards to the address below,
Holiday Mail for Heroes
PO Box 5456
Capitol Heights, MD
All cards must be postmarked no later than Friday, December 10th. Cards postmarked after this date will unfortunately be returned to the sender. This deadline ensures enough time to sort and distribute cards before the holidays.
Monday, October 4, 2010
Lili Rolled
Just a quick note to myself to remember that Liliana rolled over from back to front on October 2, 2010.
Tuesday, September 28, 2010
An Experiment with Dinner
I get my best ideas in the shower. HA!
Today I had the idea to give the kids a set amount of money each and they have to put together dinner. Everyone got $2, except Robbie who got $3 because he had the main course. So for just about $10. This was our dinner.
Robbie--main course--made chicken noodle soup. He used way too many noodles so it turned into a type of chicken n dumplings (flat dumplings). He did have to pay extra for a jar of my home canned chicken. He went over his allotment by $1.50. It was a tasty little dish. Not bad at all.
Lucy--salad--Macaroni Salad. Hmmmm....I tried to talk her into a green garden salad, but she said that was boring. Well. We definitely had enough pasta in this meal to make an Italian proud. It was ok. She didn't really have the spices very good, but it was her first time.
Joey--side dishes--can of creamed corn and orange jello. Well, we didn't get home in time to make the Jello. Scratch. The can of creamed corn was opened by Joey using the super complicated Pampered Chef can opener and poured into a saucepan. Robbie supervised the heating of the creamed corn. The creamed corn was served AFTER the soup and macaroni salad AND chocolate pudding.
Leah--dessert--instant chocolate pudding. I actually thought this was a good choice for Leah. Two large boxes of Jello pudding were $2 exactly. There was a bit of a tiff when making the pudding. But, it all came together in the end.
Here's what I'll do differently next time we do this.
#1--only one person will be in charge of the dinner
#2--I'll give a ceiling of $10 for the whole of dinner, including salad and dessert.
#3--I'll make sure to supervise the creation of the dinner and help time it so that it's not being eaten piecemeal.
What did I learn?
I'm awesome! Everyone woman/mother that I know that can put a full meal on the table for under $10 is awesome! It's truly not an easy job to do all of that, make it taste good and have everyone leave the table satisfied.
It was a great experience. I'm glad for the idea. It'll help with the training of the children as they grow up and start facing the fact that they have to provide food for themselves and eventually their children.
Thursday, July 8, 2010
Dang hormones! I'm 10 weeks postpartum and still the emotions flare up at inopportune moments. When really is an opportune moment for an emotional breakdown?
So, to solve the problem, Sam will be stopping by the Bonefish restaurant to bring me home a macadamia nut brownie. I'll take it tonight. Actually, I can't remember a time when I refused it.
I'm eating out of depression tonight. Not like full blown depression, just some sadness. I had a rough weekend emotionally. I'll feel better. Nothing that a brownie and ice cream can't least temporarily...until I go to bed.
It's kinda funny actually...really I'm postpartum AND pre-menapausal. No wonder I'm not right.
The heat doesn't help much either. Sam put an AC unit in my bedroom window to help keep the house cool. I'll tell you what...the baby LOVES it in there. She slept 12.5 hours last night. I wrapped her up tight and even put a little hat on her head. She slept so soundly.
Ok...that's all the rambling. Just thought I'd vent a minute. I'm alright.
Sunday, June 27, 2010
Sabbath Breaking...
So, we broke the Sabbath in a big way today. At least in my opinion.
First, just let me say, that I'm not a "perfect" Sabbath Keeper, but I do try to limit our Sabbaths to attending church and staying at home as a family. I'm sure there's much more we can do and improve on. I'm going to be thankful that we do what we do for now.
Moving on....because of the last 9-10 months being either pregnant or having a baby with via c-section, I missed something very important. Lucy, Joey and Leah have been taking dance classes since last September. Right from the beginning I went to the calendar to see the dates/days of the final recital. EVERY time I looked at the June 2010 calendar, I saw that the dates fell on a Friday and Saturday for which I was very thankful. I did look at the calendar more than one time.
About three weeks ago, the tickets for the recitals (4 different shows) went on sale and when I went to buy the tickets I noticed that one of the days was a Sunday. I was stunned. Beyond stunned really, I started crying because I was so upset. It was all my fault.
I guess I tend to be a bit judgmental when it comes to keeping the Sabbath Day holy. I will probably offend any reading this, but it's my blog. It's my opinion that keeping the Sabbath holy is not that difficult. Let me say this...had I not been completely brain damaged this last year, I would've noticed the recital dates being on a Sunday. I would've immediately gone to the owners of the dance facility and told them of my concern. If they would have not been able to schedule my kids for the Saturday show, I would've calmly and respectively informed them that my kids would not be performing.
Why didn't I do that this time? Am I a hypocrite...yeh, I'm sure I am. The main reason was because of Joey. He was the only boy in his dance class and they had choreographed the dance around him to some extent. I talked to the owner and the dance instructor to see if Joey could be missed and both agreed that he couldn't. So, we decided to let him dance. I don't know if I was right or not.
My parents always kept the Sabbath holy. Maybe that's why it's easier for me. I guess, too, this is an area that I don't fear. I don't care if people get mad at me or my family for not attending something scheduled for a Sunday. Robbie had a couple of make-up ball games on Sunday last year. He didn't go. The kids don't attend parties scheduled for the Sabbath. I got invited to attend a baby shower on a Sunday here a few months ago. I really wanted to go. I knew that it wouldn't be a "bad" thing, but when I really weighed it out in my mind, I knew I couldn't go because I needed to be an example to my kids.
We did go to the recital today. We went yesterday for Lucy as well. Even though the music and dancing were basically the same, I felt a distinct difference in today's show from yesterday. I was really uncomfortable. The music seemed more offensive as did the dancing.
When we got in the car to drive to the singles' branch (the singles branch meeting in the Sewell building so we were able to attend church today), I told the kids that I wanted them to compare the difference in how they felt in the recital vs. church. Both Robbie and Lucy, when asked, were able to tell me that they felt the spirit at church. I was happy to hear that.
My dad did something similar for me and my brother just before our missions. My dad and Robert flew up in dad's plane to NY where I was a nanny. On our way home, dad stopped in Atlantic City and took us into a casino. Why? He wanted us to remember how we felt there vs. how we felt when we went into the temple in a couple of days. I won't ever forget that experience. I'm grateful that my dad thought to have Robert and I experience the stark differences between the loud darkness of the casino and the quiet brightness of the temple.
I hope my kids may feel similarly about our breaking the Sabbath today. I hope they can remember the differences of the loud darkness of the dance recital and the quiet brightness of the Sacrament Meeting. It's an interesting comparison really.
Thursday, June 24, 2010
Making Changes
I refer you to my post on My Uniform. One of my favorite authors is Merilee Boyack. I've read all her books and believe we are kindred spirits on different sides of the country. She's written books on parenting and marriage and just overall having fun in life. Her sense of humor is delightful and speaks to my soul. I admire her greatly.
I recently emailed her to tell her how much I appreciate her. I tried to be funny in my email by telling her a little about myself and I wrote about my uniform. She responded quickly and told me that I needed to get out of my elastic pants and white tshirts and into something much more flattering. Although I thought I was being funny, I was a bit surprised to find a call to fashion repentance in her return email.
This is what she wrote:
"Aha!!!! So do you remember what I wrote about t-shirts and elastic-waist pants?!?? :)
Time to go SHOPPING!!!! Those items must be BANISHED. And yes, I know all about scraping vomit off of my shirts. It's about who YOU are and treating yourself with respect. (Not to mention being attractive to hubby.)
Remember my mother's rule?? He works with babes all day, make sure he comes home to one! :)
Sorry - I'm just WAY militant on that subject as you know. . . And yes, I know it takes effort."
So, I've been pondering her words. I'm determined to have a little more respect in my appearance. I'm trying not to use the excuse that the baby wears me out...even though she does. Or that my other six children wear me out...even though they do. I'd like to be a better example of this to my own children.
I am going to get my hair done today. I'd been putting it off for way too long. I have this guilt thing that goes on. Can't leave the baby. She's eight weeks old. She takes a bottle. Even though she's a big mama's girl, she will survive without me for a few hours.
My other thought was that if I'm going to wear elastic-waisted pants, I have to exercise. My effort in self-discipline will be that I have to exercise to wear the pants. AND!!!! NO SWEETS when wearing the pants. Does this sound totally weird? They're just so comfortable and they fit my body. I have such a funky body and I have NO fashion skills. I don't know what looks good on my body so I just go with what feels good. That's not always the right answer.
I've lost an additional 20 lbs since having the baby so some of my clothes are too big...I'm freecycling those. I need to buy some newer ones but I'm just buying what I've always worn. So, I guess I need to do some research to figure out what's better for my super cool shape.
Ok, I need some sleep. Been up since 5:30 this morning with the baby.
Sunday, June 6, 2010
Grandma and Lili
I just love this photo of my mom with Lili. Mom wasn't able to be with me when Leah was born because she and dad were serving a mission. So, I'm glad I could have another little girl for my mom to love on. This is just such a sweet picture. I'm grateful for such a good mom. She's been a great example to me.
Lili's Blessing Day
Today little Lili was blessed at church. As you can see the whole family was able to attend. Both mine and Sam's parents came and Jen and Jessie were allowed to come as well. It was a lovely day.
Sam gave a beautiful blessing to Lili. She was such a good girl all day. It was so hot in the church and so many people were holding and touching her.
She looked so beautiful in the blessing gown as well. All my children have worn it, except Robbie. My mom made an heirloom dress when Lucy was born. All of the children's names and birth dates are embroidered on the bottom of the petticoat of the dress.
Me and mom after Lili had been dressed in the gown.
Sweet little Lili.

Friday, June 4, 2010
Things To Remember About Liliana
1. She cried real tears while still in the hospital. Most of my babies didn't have tears until about a month or so old.
2. I'll never forget that she weighed 9 lbs 13 oz. She was my biggest baby by far. Joey was the next at 8lbs 11oz. So Lili had him beat by over a pound.
3. She either has/had a birthmark or bruise over on her left eyelid. When she was first born, it looked as if she was bruised. It was really dark purple. As she's gotten older, it has faded into a dark pink. Plus, she has a very deep dark purple vein right over it.
4. It took well over a week for her umbilical cord to fall off.
5. She smiled at 5 days old. You may not believe it, but I was there and I was the recipient of the smile. We were snuggled in the bed. I had just nursed her and was just holding her and talking to her. She looked me right in the eyes and I could see she wanted to smile, then she did. It didn't last long but it was just for me. I'll never forget it.
6. She likes to have her butt patted to calm down or to fall asleep.
7. When she passes gas, you'd think it was an adult in the room. She doesn't do badly with burps either.
8. She loves to nap on the couch. Doesn't really like the bassinet at all. In fact, we've pretty much abandoned it.
9. So far, she not a fan of the car seat.
10. She holds her big toe up just like Sam does.
11. She had the most hair of any of my kids. Quite the headful.
12. She's five weeks old now and for the last three nights has slept through the night. I hope I didn't just jinx it.
13. She likes to have her hair washed. She still isn't quite sure if she likes a bath, but she definitely like having her hair done. Diva in the making perhaps.
14. She has blond, bushy eyebrows. They remind me of my Grandpa Lusk's bushy eyebrows. Lili's are cute though.
15. I love the way she sighs/coos when she's nursing or taking a bottle and when she's sleeping on my shoulder. I'll miss that sweet sound.
Happy Birthday Diane!
Yesterday was Diane's birthday. June 3rd. She would've been 55.
I hadn't gone to her graveside service back in November.
So, this was our first trip to the cemetery. It was so hot. 90+ degrees.
Her grave isn't marked yet so it was a bit of a treasure hunt, if you will, to finally find it.
Robbie looks pretty miserable and hot. I don't really blame him.
You can see the new grass growing over her grave. That was how we ultimately found her.
We had a general idea as to where it was but definitely had to go hunting.
One of the things that I'm sure she's loving is that her birthday is so close to Memorial Day.
In fact, she is buried between two veterans, so her grave is flanked by flags.
She was a GREAT patriot.
My photos didn't upload in order, but you get the gist.
Sunday, May 30, 2010
Family Home Evening with Diane
I was looking through my photos recently and found this one. This was our last Family Home Evening with Diane before she died. We picked her up and went to the church because it was more conducive to her wheelchair.
Diane would often attend our family nights. Probably 2-3 times a month. She always was like a bonus mom to my kids and to me. It was wonderful to have her backing up the teachings Sam and I were giving our children. She loved being with us and we loved having her. She often told me in her last days how much she missed spending family nights with us. She said she loved singing church songs with us and kneeling in family prayer with us. We felt the same about her.
I miss her. Especially not having her here when Lili was born. I cry too much when I think about it. Maybe one day I'll be able to record how she was with me during Lili's birthday.
Saturday, May 29, 2010
Time Flies
Where does the time go when you're growing babies? I can't believe Lili is already a month old. Just seems like yesterday we got the word I needed to have a C-section and six hours later, I had my baby.
I'm so thankful for Lili. I have to say though, knowing that she is my last has had the effect I didn't want. I always felt I would have a baby after Leah, but after we tried for so long, I kinda gave up and was at peace with it. I liked not knowing if Leah was my last because I just really enjoyed her. I treated just like the others. I didn't cry at the thought of no more babies, cuz I didn't really know. I was just perfect.
Lili is my last. I was looking at her birth pictures and those first couple of days right after. She was so small even at 9 lbs 13 oz. Just so fresh. I know she's only 30 days old, but I miss those "brand new" days.
It's a shame that mommas are so sleep deprived with brand new babies. Sometimes I think I don't enjoy them as much as I should, BUT I'm so tired. And healing after a C-section is really rough on me. I'm still really stiff and have moments of great soreness. Sometimes I think I'll never get better. I know I will, it's just hard to remember what it feels like to be 100% healthy.
I've been so blessed with so many people serving me and my family. I will never be able to write thank you notes enough to express my gratitude. I'm humbled at all that has been done for us. Meals, phone calls, visits, taking my kids so I can rest, clothes for the baby, and just thoughtful expressions of love. I have appreciated them all.
I need to stop now, I'm crying. :)
Sunday, May 23, 2010
More Pictures of Lili
Looks like she's sucking her thumb, but she's not. Just dang cute. This picture was taken while Lili and I were waiting for the doctor to come in for her well-check visit. Lili is 12 days old in this pic.
Same doctor's visit. I just really like this picture
I think is picture is so funny. She looks so much like my dad here. So cute. I hate that she's getting bigger but loving that she's getting more control of her body and I'm figuring out some of her ways. :)
Sunday, May 9, 2010
Liliana Joy
I ended up having an unscheduled C-section. I was rather devestated because I had worked so hard to prepare for another VBAC. But, at the end of the day, I trusted in the word of my medical professionals. The main goal of any pregnancy is to get the baby out healthy. That had always been my biggest concern as an older mother. I prayed daily that the Lord would bless this child with perfect health and He did.
This is our first photo together as mother and daughter. I think I look pretty good considering what was happening at the other end of my body. I think I'll start taking all my pictures upside down.
Sam and Lili. So sweet.
I look better in the c-section photo. I'm one tired mommy. The recuperation on this one has been rather difficult. But look at that cute little baby.
This is Lili's going-home outfit. She looks like a little doll baby.
Tuesday, February 2, 2010
I didn't laugh!
So, this post is actually a continuation of the last post in a way. Robbie is still struggling but all of us, including him, are getting through it. He's having a hard time and just wishes his body would just grow out of it. It's heart-rending at times. I feel so badly for him. But, he's hanging in there. This too shall pass and I won't have a little boy any more. That kinda makes me sad.
He is still looking forward to his man-hair that will be at the end of this challenge. :)
This last week we had another little moment. Pinewood Derby. Great when you win. Not so great, when you lose.
Robbie lost. He was devastated. BUT, I was so proud of his grace and honor during the whole evening. I knew he was disappointed but it wasn't until we got home that I realized how awful it was for him. We worked through it. Plenty of praise. Lots of crying...him.
During the venting, he said that one of the boys (the winner) was going around dancing and taunting the other boys and calling them all losers. OK. We talked about it. Praised him for his behavior and moved on with our lives.
Later in the week I happened to mention this to the father of the winner. He went home and spoke with his son. The son admitted the dancing and celebrating but denied that he called anyone a name. OK. So, someone is lying.
I had a little chat with Robbie. He immediately got defensive and denied that he said any of the things that he did say. (I know I've got problems, but hearing isn't one of them) So, I started reminding of his accusations. He started crying and getting all down on himself. Blah blah blah.
Finally, we got to a place where he was calmer and I got to hug him. He was sweaty from all the crying and fussing. As we're wrapping up the conversation and working through a consequence he says to me.
"McGuyver was right. You do sweat a lot when you lie."
It was all I could do to NOT laugh. Thank goodness for a good role model like McGuyver!
Wednesday, January 6, 2010
Growing Pains
Actually, I won't necessarily be talking about me and my belly during this post. I actually wanted to blog a bit about a new phase of life.
My son who is nearly 11 years old (in two months). Thank goodness for parenting books or I would've thought this child was possessed.
He has been the most delightful boy since I've been pregnant and feeling so crappy. He's getting stronger and more capable. He's been able to serve me by serving his brother and sisters. He's just be great. I am just tickled at this development and it's been such a relief.
A switched has been flipped in this child. The good part is still in there and is present most (95%) of the time. He's still very helpful around the house and with his siblings. I don't even know how to describe his new behaviors. Sometimes he is sweet as honey, sometimes he acts like a pubescent girl.
What I'm learning is that he's starting to want to be "big" but still enjoys being "little". Yup, growing pains. He doesn't want to necessarily be with the younger kids, UNLESS it's more fun than being a big kid. He's extremely emotional. He's struggling to be independent yet loyal and true to his family and how he's been raised. He's pushing every button on the control panel right now.
I'm convince from the experiences I'm having with him that this is really when parent and child begin to separate. When the parent gives in or gives up with a child. The child doesn't want that. He/She wants to know the lines/boundaries are still in place and that everything is normal. I do believe that some more allowances need to be made as the child proves himself. More independence granted. But, allowing the child to be in control is ridiculous. But, it's so easy for a parent to give up.
I'm also learning that a parent must increase their patience levels. The parent must be willing to wait the child out, talking to them, showing love and understanding. That can be very difficult at times. It usually happens around bedtime when everyone is tired. Making everything worse.
So far, my mode of operation (M.O.) is to keep talking and asking probing questions. I'm not one to settle for secrets. Yes, children sneak and hide things. I'm aware of that. I still have secrets from my parents that I dare not tell them. But, I believe that there are emotional reasons for a child's behavior. Not just testing boundaries. They need to be uncovered and dealt with so everyone can get a good night's sleep.
I also don't believe that I child is "allowed" to NOT deal with an issue. Whether they "threw" it on the table or not. Again, it needs to be dealt with. If they're unhappy with me as a parent, throw it out there and let's figure it out. I may need to change to help them in our relationship.
Work. I'm determined to teach my children the value of work. I've been so pleased with all my children these last few months. Since I've been so sick, they've really picked up the ball with the cleaning, cooking AND laundry. It's not done perfectly, but every once in a while, they surprise the heck out of me. I'm so grateful for their willingness to lift my burdens. I'm finding that the more often they do the work, the better they're becoming. It's going faster for them too. Oh, they're far from being perfect when it comes to being motivated, but we're at least on a good road.
That is my warning and my counsel. I'm excited for my boy to develop into a man. He can't hardly wait for his "man hair" and "man voice", oh, and "man sweat". I'm not looking forward to the "man smell". I will miss my sweet little boy. But, I'm tickled at the "man" he is becoming.
I'm still holding on for the ride. We've got a long way to go. Don't even talk to me about my daughters. :)
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