Sunday, January 23, 2011

The Day Will Bring Some Lovely Thing

I love this poem.  The kids and I have memorized the first stanza.  We're working on the rest of it.  For two weeks now, I have been writing in my journal about the lovely things of my day.  Something that caught me "unaware".  Sometimes I only have one thing to write, sometimes two or three.

For instance:  finding Lili standing up in her crib talking to herself after a nap, myriads of birds in the backyard after a snowstorm, tossing out peanuts to the bluejays and watching them dive to get them and fly them back to a high branch to eat, giggling with a lady at the craft store because we were both singing a BeeGee's song playing over the speakers.  

Just cute and fun things like that.  Sometimes my lovely thing is a little more poignant, like: receiving an answer to my prayers or hearing Joey read and retain.

I encourage you to try and do the same.  It's kind of a twist on things you're grateful for, I think that's an important one too, but I'm liking the review of my day to remember "some lovely thing."

The Day Will Bring Some Lovely Thing ~
by Grace Noll Crowell

The day will bring some lovely thing,
I say it over each new dawn,
Some gay, adventurous thing to hold
Against my heart when it is gone,
And so I rise and go to meet
The day with wings upon my feet.

I come upon it unaware,
Some sudden beauty without name,
A snatch of song, a breath of pine,
A poem lit with golden flame-
High tangled bird notes keenly thinned
Like flying color on the wind.

No day has ever failed me, quite
Before the grayest day is done,
I come upon some misty bloom,
Or a late line of crimson sun.
Each night I pause, remembering,
Some gay, adventurous, lovely thing.


Sunshine said...

I love having poems like that memorized to bring up when needed. Thanks for sharing.

Laurie LC Lewis said...

Lovely post, Wendi. Thank you. It's a perfect parallel to President Eyring's call for a note of gratitude each day. Reading this made me realize what gets lost when journal writing becomes a catch-up exercise. My entries become more about itineraries and less about moments.

BerginMania said...

Thank you both for your kind comments. Quite a lovely thing.