Thursday, April 10, 2008

Future Me and ShopRite

Anymore, I go through my day observing and thinking about what I can write in my blog. So, today I hit on a pretty good one.

I went shopping with the kids....that should be the end and you should be rolling on the floor laughing or ROFL as we say in our cyber world. But, it really gets just a bit better than that.

We went to KFC/A&W for lunch. I met my older self. Oh sad. Luckily I can change the future. Her name might have been Harriet or Gloria, I don't really know. It doesn't really matter. She was behind the counter at KFC running the cash register.

My first observation came when some girl familar with ALL of the KFC staff though not in uniform mentioned that John McCain was on The View today. (note: I am NOT a McCain supporter nor am I a The View supporter) At this point my children interrupted me with desires of hotdogs, drumsticks, french fries and soda. So annoying. So, I caught the tail end of the the McCain discussion when Harriet/Gloria said, "That's RIGHT. THIS WHOLE COUNTRY IS GOING TO BE RUN BY SENIOR CITIZENS BECAUSE ALL OF OUR LITTLE BOYS ARE OUT...." I'm sure it was a comment about the war, which I do support. At this point, I was interrupted by my little boys.

Now, why do I said that this "Harria" lady is my "future me"? Well, because she had no problem announcing her political views to the entire KFC; when I went to place my order, she kept reprimanding my children and when her shift ended at 2PM, she said "Good Night" to everyone.

That's me to a tee. The good thing was that she was skinny and didn't have any gray hair. I've got that going for the "future me".

Like I said, I still have time to change.

Ok, so onto ShopRite (a grocery store). Four kids in tow. Leah was still eating her Teddy Grahams so that kept her in the cart for about 5 minutes while I taught the kids how to feel up a cantaloupe to tell if it was ripe. 1pt for homeschooling. Then I had to give her my iPhone to keep her busy. That didn't work as well as it usually did.

We did pretty good until I had to get laundry detergent which was FREE after coupons. YAY for me! I had to help Robbie climb up a pyramid of empty detergent cases to get to the two I needed. Then the ShopRite lady came over and fussed at me. But, if they were doing their job we wouldn't have been doing that. Plus, it was much easier to hoist Robbie up the pyramid than myself. Not a pretty picture.

Robbie wrote notes to passers-by in the icy fog of the Eggo section of the freezer. Yeh, we were there long enough for icy fog to show up. There are Barbie Eggos now. But there are only 8 in a box unlike the 10/box of the regular buttermilk or even chocolate chip kind. Guess which kind we bought. .25/box after coupons. Another Yay for me!

Got the Eggos, now back to get the paper towels.

Got the paper towels and we head up the TP aisle. Not really a problem until I turn my attention away for just a sec to recapture Leah. As I head up the aisle the other three have beaten me to the end and to bide their time waiting for me to catch up they have stuck MULTIPLE toilet plungers to the cold tile floor, under which I would have liked to have crawled. We wrestle the plungers back to their resting spot and head for the check out.

That's about it. Believe it or not, I didn't even have to buy them candy going through the check out. That's a win-win for me any day of the week.

That's it for this installment of insanity.

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