She cried for about 45 mins which is very unlike her. Once the Tylenol started working, she fell asleep for a few minutes before we had to leave and take Lucy to singing lessons.

Singing lessons, then the bank and onto Deptford High School to vote in school board/tax increase elections. Back home to get ready for Robbie's baseball game. Sarah Blamires stopped by with a plate of the most INCREDIBLE chocolate cake I've ever been priviledged to inhale. Boy oh boy. I saved a few pieces that I will eat in the privacy of my own little world.
THANK YOU Sarah!!!
Off to the baseball game. Not such a good one. They tied after losing a huge lead.
We went to Ruby Tuesday's for dinner because I refused to eat frozen pizza for my birthday dinner.
When we got home, Leah had another fall. She must have tripped getting out of the truck. She ended up with the biggest goose egg I've even seen. So, you'll now be able to see the final outcome Leah's injuries. She looks like she's had the snot beat out of her. She had a rough day.

My poor little Leah. Sleeping on her daddy after a very long and painful day.
1 comment:
Happy Birthday! I'm glad you had lots of love! Poor Leah though. She does look aweful. I got a lip like that in college that came with broken teeth and much more. I'm sure glad it was just the lip.
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