The third morning he was waiting for me. He got up from his chair and waved me down. We introduced ourselves. I really have a hard time understanding his English. He's only been in the US since March. He lives in that little, bitsy house with his wife. Sounds like he has other family that live in the area.
The next few mornings he's usually pacing up and down Summit Ave, which is the street that connects all of the side streets in the area. So, we meet some where on Summit and chat for a few minutes. We ask about each other's families. Yesterday I noticed he was carrying his prayer book. I asked him if he was Buddhist or Muslim. "Oh, no!", he said. He seemed a little offended even. He told me that he is Sikh.
I did a little Wikipedia research and found the Sikh religion to be very interesting. There are a lot of similarities to Mormonism actually. According to Wikipedia, the Sikh choose to be baptized. They wear 5 external emblems of their covenant to Sikhism. They believe in helping others and defending the poor and the weak. Supposedly, they are very generous. Men who where turbans are usually Sikh. Interesting, huh?
So, I enjoy meeting him on Summit Ave and chatting for a few minutes. I would guess that he's rather lonely since he doesn't really have a community of people with whom to hang out and be Sikh. (lovely political correctness, huh?)
Today, however, Sanni, I think that's his name, was not pacing up and down Summit. When I walked past his house, the door was wide open but I didn't see anyone. I was just finishing the last two blocks of my walk when I noticed he was standing at the top of the hill just where the road bends, it's about two blocks on the other side of my street. I don't know if he saw me but I ducked down a side street and came around the other side of my house. I was careful that I didn't go into the house until I was sure he wasn't standing at the top of the street.
Maybe I'm just being too freaky, but maybe I'm being safe. IF everything I read on Wikipedia is true, then Sanni is nothing to be feared. But, how am I supposed to know? I have six children to protect. I'm probably have to take another route until I shake him or feel more comfortable with his friendship.
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