Tuesday, July 29, 2008

My challenge decision

I'm sure everyone has been waiting with baited breath for me to reveal my decision for the challenge starting Friday, August 1st.  

Drum roll, please........

I've decided to write a book.  It's been on my mind now for almost a year now.  My focus will be on joy and gratitude.

I didn't tell anyone because I'm afraid to fail, but I kinda started last week.  I have started to wake up earlier in the morning to go for a walk.  I've gone 7 days in a row now (except Sunday).  I've been trying to work out a schedule for myself.  My ultimate goal is to get up around 6:30am and go for my walk.  I think I'm going to work on the book for about an hour.  Probably from 8am-9am.  So, I'll be "bettering" myself by walking first thing then I'll spend some time in study and prayer.  Depending on how long the kids will leave me to myself, will determine how long I work on the book on a daily basis.

Ok, so now you know.  Please let me know what you're working on.  Let's be each other's biggest cheerleaders.  Let's change for the better and accomplish our goals and dreams.

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